The great challenges of the future need great minds to confront them.
At Ríos Renovables we firmly believe in the potential of people. We work to align the culture of commitment with the needs of talent.
And we do this by focusing on the territory in which we operate, fostering and retaining local talent and promoting stable and committed workforces.
”Our problems are created by people, so they can be solved by people. And man can be as big as he wants to be. No problem of human destiny is beyond human beings.
Robert Kennedy

Join our team
At Ríos Renovables we believe that a company's main asset is its people, which is why we are always looking for the best professionals. As part of our HR policy, we make a great effort to train our employees.
We are also committed to employment and the development of the area. For these reasons, we are looking for technicians who want to stay with us on a long-term basis and we are looking for people living in the Ribera de Navarra area.