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Thermal energy and biomass

At Ríos Renovables we carry out heating and domestic hot water installations for individuals, residential communities and the tertiary and industrial sector of all types, as well as heat networks or district heating.

We take care of the complete process of engineering, legalisation, execution, commissioning of the installations and preventive and corrective maintenance.

Spheres of action

Public and private buildings

Large surfaces and car parks

Public lighting

Industrial sector

Tertiary sector

Residential sector

Public administration


  • LED lighting equipment
  • High efficiency gas boilers
  • Cogeneration
  • Microcogeneration
  • Biomass
  • Gasification
  • Oxygen generators.
  • Self-consumption of energy

Biomass experts

We are committed to biomass-fuelled thermal installations because of their undoubted advantages:

  • They generate a neutral balance in terms of atmospheric emissions.
  • The price of fuel is more economical
  • They are easy to operate and maintain

District heating

We also take care of heat networks or district heating to supply heating and domestic hot water to as many users as possible with the same central heating plant, avoiding the installation of heat generation equipment in the property of each client.

Engineering service

An installation engineering project includes the design of all the technical installations necessary to carry out a given activity, as well as the execution and management of the project. In this department, the following projects are studied/implemented:

  • Aerothermal
  • Biomass
  • Natural gas with condensing boilers
  • Geothermal
  • Underfloor heating/cooling
  • Ventilation
  • Air conditioning

Development and operation of energy services projects to optimise the quality and reduction of energy costs, obtain economic savings and CO2 emission savings. In this model, the client does not make the initial investment and it is the energy services company that assumes the initial investment risks, risks of not achieving the guaranteed savings, etc… In this format, the following projects are studied/managed:

  • Communities of Owners
  • Hotels
  • Residences
  • Schools
  • Sports Clubs
  • Industries

We manage projects of Integral Operation and Maintenance of Buildings, as far as thermal installations are concerned. The installations in which we provide these services are as follows:

  • Boiler Rooms
  • Chillers
  • Solar Thermal Installations
  • Distribution networks (piping systems)
  • Terminal elements (radiators, underfloor heating, fan coils, etc…)
  • Fire Extinguishing Systems
  • Pressure groups and water tanks
  • Anti-legionella treatments
  • Air Treatment Units
  • Autonomous Air Conditioning Equipment

Study and development of technical industrial projects of greater complexity and volume. Below is a list of projects of this type:

  • Industrial Steam Projects
  • District Heating
  • Industrial Warehouse Climatization
  • Box with mobile boiler room

Web tool for energy management

Ríos Renovables has developed an application with the necessary capacity to facilitate and streamline the comprehensive energy management of facilities. This application allows the optimisation of the resources allocated, showing the necessary information for each installation and integrating different points as the basis of a correct management service.

What information does it provide?

The monitoring of the installation focuses on the visualisation of the hydraulic diagram of the system, positioning the different variables recorded and updating them every 5 minutes.

  • Alarm history: The alarm log allows us to know in a very direct way all the alarms generated in the installation, indicating their date and alarm description.
  • Variable representation: energy, temperature, alarms, etc…

Control Centre

We have two innovative Control Centres, one in Spain and the other in Italy, from where we supervise in real time the operation of the renewable energy installations, public and private lighting, thermal installations, etc. to which we provide our O&M service.
The constant supervision and control and the speed in the solution of incidents make possible a high availability of the installations, optimising the operation and increasing the profitability.

Highly qualified technicians

The control centre operators report all incidents in real time and can analyse all network parameters via a graphical interface and determine the source of the fault.

Efficient maintenance management

This set of control tools allows cost savings in operation and maintenance, offering a more efficient service. Data is read in real time, so detection times are instantaneous, making immediate intervention possible.

The management is computerised in a web database, which makes it possible for the different control centres to share the knowledge acquired, and allows our technicians to learn from the previous experiences of other technicians.


Our philosophy is to monitor all installations in a very simple way so that our staff can immediately detect what is happening in each installation. The status of each of the luminaires can be observed graphically and the errors they have can be determined.

A flashing colour represents a warning, which our technicians analyse in order to solve it remotely or, if necessary, send it to the maintenance staff.